Escarpment Soccer League

How to Reschedule a Game U14-18

There are no reschedules for U10 and U12 Divisions

If you need to reschedule a game:

  1. Reschedules must be initiated minimum 2 weeks before the game whenever possible.  Please consider school trips and vacations at the beginning of the season when looking at your schedule.
  2. Contact your opposing coach. Home coach consults with their club to find a field on an alternate date.
  3. Email with the details of the reschedule including field/date/time.  If less than 1 week and you do not have a reschedule date, please email and the date will be changed to Dec 31 and teams notified until a reschedule date can be chosen.

Note: reschedules do not have to happen on the 'official' game night for your division.

If you have any questions please email

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